Election Rules
The application of ‘absolute discretion’ by the Board in relation to the form, timing and conduct of elections has led to 5 sets of Election Rules in the last two years. You can view each set of rules here:
The current Fifth set of Election Rules says:
- No electioneering. No ads, no billboards. No interviews with the media. No posting to websites or social media platforms. No hard copies or emails to members. Click here for an extract from the rules.
- What is allowed? A private conversation with a Voting Member.
- The Board may endorse Candidates and have never endorsed a non-incumbent candidate. Click here to read examples on this matter.
- The Election Committee is made up of some or all of the Board members not running.
- The Candidate Assessment Committee (CAC) is made up of a “skilled person” and two members of the Election Committee. They may assess a Candidate as not “aligned” with the Credentials Statement.
- The Rules can be changed at any time – last year the Third set of Rules (24 November 2021) was replaced by the Fourth
set of Rules (11 January 2022) AFTER Candidates had nominated back in November and BEFORE the election began.